Learn. Code. Create.
From Home

Our online learning programs are live, instructor-led classes. Teachers and students connect to maximize fun, engagement, and learning!

What is needed for
Online Learning?

  1. a computer with a webcam, microphone, and internet connection.
  2. Zoom installed. (see here)
  3. a mouse is highly recommended.

4. an email account that they can access in order to create and save their work on coding sites we work with.

5. students who use Chromebooks will need to sign in using a personal GMail account (and not their school accounts) to avoid limitations that might be attached to their school account.

What is Expected
of Students?

  • Check your email to get the link for the online meeting.
  • Test to make sure you can log in and your camera and microphone work.
  • Log in on time and follow the guidance of their teacher as they would in a regular classroom.
  • Keep webcams on to ensure students are present and attentive.

What is an online class like?

Curious about what our online classes look like in action?

Check out this video of one of our amazing instructors teaching an online class. In this course, students learned how to mix code in a Scratch video game!