5 Laptops for Kids in 2018

The question of what laptop to get for your kids is one the most common questions we get here at Discover Coding. The answer is always “it depends”; but here’s …

2018 BEST Conference

Science, Technology, Engineering, and the Environment and Mathematics all come together in the BEST Conference! The Edmonton Catholic School District’s (ECSD) annual STEM Conference on The Best Exploration of Science …

Hello, World! in Python

The Code [code] #!/usr/bin/python # Hello World print(‘Hello, World!’) [/code] How It Works Python is a high-level interpretted language. High-level means its very abstract, and “simple” in that its “instructions” …

Hello, World! in MIPS Assembly

The Code [code] .data msg: .asciiz “\nHello, World!\n” .text main: li $v0, 4 la $a0, msg syscall li $v0, 10 syscall [/code] How it works Assembly language is almost pure …